Get Hired: Full Guide

The EXACT Blueprint to landing your dream job at ANY Architecture or Design Based Firm.

The Full Guide to Acquiring a High Level Job.

Get Hired: Full Guide
USD 45.00
Every year
Architecture Elite Annual Membership
USD 95.00
Every year

Welcome to Get Hired: Full Guide

The EXACT Blueprint to building an outstanding Resume & Portfolio - then the step-by-step process in reaching out to Architecture/Design firms and the essential skills to dominate your job interviews.

You’ll never need to take a BS careers/internship program. Land your Dream job at any architecture or design firm.

Step #1 Outreach

Reaching Out to Architecture & Design Based Firms

Essential strategies to finding and reaching out to architecture & design based firms, I share the EXACT blueprints and letter structures that led me to getting hired at one of Australia’s leading Tier 1 Architecture firms with ZERO PRIOR EXPERIENCE.

Using letter formats and studied methods as seen in books by Russell Brunson & more.

Step #2 Resume / CV Building

Full Exemplar and Resume Templates

Step-by-step guide on how to set up your Resume/CV, utlizing key strategies to set yours above the competition, to make your Resume/CV stand out on top even if you have no prior or relevant experience

Learn what employers are ACTUALLY looking for, after this you’ll never need to take a BS careers internship program. Instead I’ll show you how my Resume stood out from the rest.

Step #3 Design Portfolio

How to Create the Ultimate Design Portfolio

Full blueprints and guide to curating your work into the Ultimate Architecture & Design portfolio, including a case study of a real portfolio that led to being hired.

Including secrets & additional tips to setting up & laying out your portfolio.

Step #4 Interview Secrets

Forget what you know about job interviews.

This is a full no BS Guide into learning the unspoken dynamics of job interviews. An unconventional guide that will teach you the principles of absolutely dominating job interviews.

Get Hired: Full Guide
USD 45.00
Every year
Architecture Elite Annual Membership
USD 95.00
Every year